Church Events

Special arrangements for services:

In the autumn of 2022 we received permission to use the little church of St. Joan in Sispony, a hamlet that is part of the parish of la Massana.

For 2024 we are able to continue to use this little church every month. It is not normally used at all – so if you come to visit us please dress warmly all year (except high summer) – as it is stone built and keeps the cold in! Tp avoid the worst of then cold we will be holding our services in February and March  in the home of one of our members – so be aware that we will be advising where in the week of the monthly service.

St George’s Church, Barcelona, is providing weekly Sunday services via YouTube and details of their arrangements can be found on their website at As we can take advantage of these weekly services we are not organising a second service of our own each month.

Calendar for 2024:

Saturday 31 August – 17.30 – bible study with Revd Deborah Chapman, held at a private house hosted by one of our church members, but all welcome

Sunday 1 September – 11.00 – service with Holy Communion led by  Revd Deborah Chapman, at Sispony church

Sunday 1 September – 13.30 – annual garden party at which Revd John Chapman and the new Barcelona curate, Massimo, and his family will also be present.

Saturday 5 October – 17.30 – bible study with Revd John Chapman, held at a private house hosted by one of our church members, but all welcome

Sunday 6 October – 11.00 – service with Holy Communion led by  Revd John Chapman, at Sispony church

Saturday 9 November – 17.30 – bible study with Revd John Chapman, held at a private house hosted by one of our church members, but all welcome

Sunday 10 November – 11.00 –  Remembrance Day service with Holy Communion led by  Revd John Chapman, at Sispony church

Saturday 14 December – 17.30 – bible study with Revd Deborah Chapman, held at a private house hosted by one of our church members, but all welcome

Sunday 15 December – 11.00 – service with Holy Communion led by  Revd Deborah Chapman, at Sispony church

We also anticipate an Advent lunch to be held on either Thursday 12 or 19 December at 13.30 and a Carol Service to be held at the La Massana parish church on December 23 at 18.00, both events to be confirmed.

More monthly services will be added when we have confirmation from Revd Deborah Chapman